Home Men's and women's mannequins Ghost mannequins for E-commerce photos Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84
Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84
Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84
Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84
Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84
Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84
Made in Italy
Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84

Professional male legs for e-commerce photos M84

Brand: E-commerce Mannequins
Type: Man
Collection: Professional mannequins for e-commerce photos
Color: White
Available | 10 days
2200.00 € + VAT
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Designed and manufactured by e-commercemannequins.com, the male legs GHOST-M84 are dedicated to photographers and professionals who want to realize still life for e-commerce photos. With this product is indeed possible to take pictures of swimming suits, trousers, jeans, pants and bermudas, showing also the inner part of your clothing.

Lots of international fashion brands have found an excellent fit and ease of use, managing to optimize the workflow and the post production, in addiction it fits perfectly in the equipment of last generation editing.

GHOST-M84 allows 6 different settlements, in addiction  it’s also possible to get to the full optional version by steps, starting from the other models of the collection GHOST M series.

In fact thanks to the perfections of the spare parts it’s possible to add missing pieces when needed.

What are the advantages of using it?

1. Handling and lightness: this mannequin is strong, light and resistant to impact, allowing the client to handle it easily.

2. Customization: 3D printed mannequins offer the advantage of a complete customization. The mannequin can be produced to the exact specifications of the customer.

3. Magnetic assembly: the use of magnets ensures that each component can only be assembled in the correct position and orientation, reducing the risk of error during assembly.

4. Attention to environment: the material used to produce this mannequin (G-PET) is considered one of the most eco-friendly plastics due to its recyclability.

5. Spare Parts: With the 3D printing technology the availability of spare parts is significantly improved, reducing lead time and improving overall product availability.

Which accessories are included?

To make the mannequin even more complete it is also equipped with the following accessories:

  • upper part of the base with spinning support to rotate the mannequin effortlessly.
  • square professional support base equipped with 4 rubber wheels with brake
  • 2  polymethyl methacrylate rods cm 107
  • 2  polymethyl methacrylate rods of cm 37

Our showroom is available to perform technical fit tests, please send an e-mail on info@manichinistore.it  to book an appointment.



Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
48 130 78 97 - -
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