Home Men's and women's mannequins Ghost mannequins for E-commerce photos Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos
Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos
Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos
Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos
Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos
Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos
Made in Italy
Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos

Child mannequin 6/18 months for E-Commerce photos

Available | 1 piece in prompt delivery
189.00 € + VAT
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Children’s bust form / mannequin 6-18 months for e-commerce and internet photos, white durable plastic, Made in Italy. The bust is simple to use with 2 neckline insert making it possible to photograph any type of garment with ease.  The base is adjustable in height and attaches under one leg to allow dressing with pants. 

Base with adjustable height is included and made in chromed steel with measurements 24,5 x 24,5 x 0,5cm.

The bust is adjustable in height from 97 to 123 cm.


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
6-18 MESI solo busto 47 50 48 57 26 - 27 -
Alta qualità
High quality
Assistenza clienti
Customer service
Pagamento sicuro
Secure payment
Consegna rapida
Fast delivery

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