Home Men's and women's mannequins Designer Mannequins Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222
Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222
Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222
Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222
Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222
Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222
Made in Italy
Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222

Female mannequin Lipstick Collection - 222

Code: MPRLP-222VA
Type: Woman
Collection: Lipstick Collection mannequins
Color: Matte White
Available | 15 days
1290.00 € + VAT
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Lipstick, a sculpted eye-catching design recalling the elegance of a luxury lipstick soft yet sharp in its lines.

Expressive in their sensual poses with a real size 42, poses ranging from sophisticated to decisive and captivating that will make for an incredibly chic display.

Mannequins entirely "Made in Italy", entirely made in fiberglass painted matte white with easy and quick shoulder fittings thanks to neodymium magnets. The mannequins are provided with a painted metal base matte white.

Particularly light and resistant Lipstick mannequins are full body design, joining points are reduced to a minimum so that clothing can flow undisturbed with the utmost elegance. The only joining points are at the shoulders and one leg.

King brand mannequins has been serving its customers throughout the world for over twenty years providing the highest standard in terms of craftsmanship and materials always with an impeccable fit.


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
42 185 87 65 91 40 37 31 58
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