Home Men's and women's mannequins Designer Mannequins Female mannequin Queens Collection - Q2S

Female mannequin Queens Collection - Q2S

Type: Woman
Collection: Queens Collection mannequins
Color: Matte Anthracite
Available | 3 months
1190.00 € + VAT
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Fantastic women's mannequin made of fiberglass and painted matte grey graphite.

High quality materials, special attention to detail, tapered and soft lines all characterize these mannequins.  The Queens Collection is in harmony with nature and the graceful movements of the trees caressed by the wind, will give your showroom an unquestionable touch of class and prestigious design.

The mannequin is enriched with elegant carved floral patterned shoes with a 22 cm heel.  The simple egghead can be replaced upon request with a leaf decoration on the face, choice of model HRQ or HRQU as shown in photo detail.

The mannequin is equipped with a beautiful round base in painted metal matte grey graphite 42 cm in diameter with rod fitting under the foot.

If you need to use shoes with your mannequin, you can request the version with the normal foot; in this case, the attachment to the base will be made with a calf rod.

To meet increasing needs of fit, such as wearing boots, you can purchase the long support rod, which allows attachment under the buttock.

The mannequin woman measurements are: 80 cm width, 74 cm depth, 193 cm  height.

To add a touch of class to your store, complete your purchase using tree trunks TB295 and TB245; furnishing accessories that will give your customers the sensation of being immersed in unique natural surroundings.


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
40 193 87 56 87 40 - 25 -
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