Home Men's and women's mannequins ALAIN LEPORATI Mannequins Pastello Collection Hand Display - Golden Yellow

Pastello Collection Hand Display - Golden Yellow

Code: BSKSL-HA-58-7210Y
Collection: Alain Leporati Accessories
Color: Yellow
Available | prompt delivery
Other colors available
129.00 € + VAT
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Pastello Collection, a series of accessories with refined colors designed to meet the need of versatility.

The display has a base of 10x10 cm and a height of 35 cm.

What advantages does it offer?

Pastello Collection presents elegant lines, with elements of strong impact that recall an abstract and stylized world, but well related to true figurative art.

Alain Leporati creations demonstrate a very high-level manufacturing, paying attention to details such as fine Italian fabrics, with shiny, opaque and textured yarns that convey depth and richness.

The range of accessories allows great versatility, creating the style that best aligns with the aesthetics of your brand

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