Home Men's and women's mannequins ALAIN LEPORATI Mannequins Male mannequin Collection N.5 - Grey

Male mannequin Collection N.5 - Grey

Code: BSKSL-G1-2407GR-U
Type: Man
Collection: Collection N°5
Color: Grey
Available | promt delivery
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990.00 €
- 20 %
790.00 € + VAT
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Collection N ° 5, is the new Collection from the Urban Contemporary style, signed Alain Leporati, born from the encounter between Art, Nature and Design

What advantages does it offer?

Highly harmonious and perfectly symmetrical shapes characterize a body with a unique style distinguishable from any other mannequin.

Alain Leporati creations demonstrate a high level of craftsmanship, paying attention to details such as:

Precious Italian fabrics

Ecologically sustainable veined wooden arms with quick coupling

The range of finishes offered allows great versatility, creating the style that best aligns with the aesthetics of its brand.

What accessories are supplied?

The man mannequin comes with accessories for the exhibition, such as the following:

30x30 cm square base painted in black adjustable in height

smooth neck cap covered in fabric

What are the additional accessories?

Depending on your style and the needs of your store it is possible to purchase separately:

shoulder covers in veined wood

design neck terminal in veined wood

base in natural wood with black lacquered rod


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
48 205 96 78 97 46 44 35 52
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