Home Men's and women's mannequins Abstract mannequins Female egg-head mannequin Plastic Lycra without arms

Female egg-head mannequin Plastic Lycra without arms

Type: Woman
Collection: "Pin It" mannequins
Color: Black
Available | 8 weeks
289.00 € + VAT
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Beautiful female mannequin “Plastic Lycra” collection with pinnable polyurethane bust covered in lycra and legs in colored polyethylene.

What features does it offer?

Manichini Store is aware that the design of its items is a fundamental element for every customer and, precisely for this reason, offers an extremely versatile mannequin with an egg-shaped head. Moreover, those who decide to say it within their exhibition spaces will be able to use a way to appreciate the style, but also the high practicality, guaranteed by features such as:

  • Directional head
  • Square base 32 cm x 32 cm.
  • Possibility to choose both the color of the bust and the legs

On request you can choose both the color of the bust and the legs, production times between 30 and 45 working days.

To know all colors available consult the table chart in the detail images.

For color variations, contact the customer service.


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
42 185 83 60 88 38 39 28 52
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