Home Furnishings Cashier Counters Counter desk - 9F
Counter desk - 9F
Counter desk - 9F
Made in Italy
Counter desk - 9F

Counter desk - 9F

Available | 4 weeks
2450.00 € + VAT
NEW Pagamento a rate solo per privati da € 30 a € 2.000 Paga a rate con PayPal
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Counter Vintage style Made in Italy production made of plank oak with mat melamine internal structure. Rooms and internal drawers, square tube frame and metal tank top in tempered glass.

The particular design research and the high quality of materials, will make counter a distinctive element and class within your store.

The counter consists of 3 drawers and compartments and measuring 6 W.180 x p. 72 x h. 100 and put into production only on order with delivery expected in 4 weeks.

Alta qualità
High quality
Assistenza clienti
Customer service
Pagamento sicuro
Secure payment
Consegna rapida
Fast delivery

Unmissable opportunities and
absolute novelties

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