White clothes rack SX
White clothes rack SX
White clothes rack SX
Made in Italy
White clothes rack SX

White clothes rack SX

Available | 10 days
297.00 € + VAT
NEW Pagamento a rate solo per privati da € 30 a € 2.000 Paga a rate con PayPal
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Elegant and functional clothes racks manufacturing Made in Italy made in chromed steel with White lacquered shelf.

Extraordinarily durable and practical thanks to the tires, this product is realized to meet all the needs of organization and order in your stores.

On request it is possible to replace the wheels with elegant steel legs. For information, contact our customer service.

The Stender measure 98 cm long, 60 cm deep and has a convenient adjustable height from 140 to 190 cm.

Alta qualità
High quality
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Secure payment
Consegna rapida
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