Home Bust forms - Legs - Underwear Sartorial Busts Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base
Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base
Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base
Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base
Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base
Made in Italy
Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base

Tailor bust size 44 in antique pink velvet with tripod base

Type: Woman
Color: Rosa antico
Available | 10 days
269.00 € + VAT
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Elegant female tailor bust in antique pink velvet with tripod base in black painted wood and coordinated terminal. The article is ideal for tailors or stylists who need a functional product, which can also enhance the shape of the garments in the best possible way in the exhibition.

What advantages does the corset guarantee?

In order to meet every specific need of professionals in this sector, Manichini Store creates velvety tailored busts with excellent wearability. Furthermore, the product proposed here offers some other advantages since it is a:

  • Tailored bust suitable for tapping
  • Tailored bust with height adjustment
  • Tailored bust with stable base

The bust can be adjusted in height from a minimum of 160 cm to a maximum of 190 cm and thanks to the polyurethane body it is possible to easily use the pins.

What customizations can you get?

The item can become even more versatile, thanks to a paid service relating to the customization of the color of the velvety tailored busts. 


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
44 76 89 68 89 39 30
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